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Juvéderm Voluma Digital



The digital portion of the campaign strategy was to communicate the features and benefits of this groundbreaking new product. A website was created along with digital sales aids on the iOS platform
as well as one of a kind apps for assessment of patients for greater outcomes.






Voluma website.jpg


A one of a kind app for the assessment of patients for greater outcomes.

Creation of a digital app to AIM for success

An innovative tool to help plastic surgeons make the most out of their practice using 3 tenets: Assess, Inject and Maximize. Tools within the app include access to a resource center, a before and after gallery and the Allergan Partnership.


When JUVÉDERM VOLUMA XC came on the market it was the first and only FDA-approved cheek injection filler for the midface. How could surgeons make the most of JUVÉDERM VOLUMA XC in their practice?


My Role

As the Product Manager and UX/UI lead, I supplied wireframes and UX for mobile, web and desktop. To better understand the customers, we also conducted research and user testing. The team consisted of product managers, a frontend developer, UI, and UX design members.


Understanding the Problem

In the qualitative research and testing (with plastic surgeons and board certified aestheticians)  through surveys, interviews, and diaries we found key pain points and barriers. How does the surgeon educate his staff and how does he educate the patient? What are the best ways to assess a patient since this is the first product of its kind? How do I talk to patients about age-related volume loss?


Through Additional Iterations and Testing

After adapting the feedback given, the UI was able to build excitement and the UX experience delivered on the multiple touch points that were needed for the information and communication.



A marketing campaign called - AIM (Assess, Inject and Maximize) was created and implemented to help plastic surgeons maximize patient treatment and outcomes and increase the sales and marketing efforts of the plastic surgeon's practice.





AIM integrated marketing strategy tools for iOS

An educational tool and platform to help physicians build their practice using 3 tenets: Assess, Inject and Maximize. Tools included within the app include access to a resource center, a before and after gallery and the Allergan Partnership.

Complete Product DSA (Digital Sales Aid)

The sales force was equipped with digital sales aids for a more interactive experience including videos built on an iOS platform.

© 2023 Timothy J Brennan

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